401(k) and IRA Rollover Guidance
Talk to one of our 401(k) experts!
Anthony Morgillo, CFP
Vice President, Wealth Management Advisor
anthony@greyledge.com | 203.204.6630
Ted Reagle
Vice President, Wealth Management Advisor
ted@greyledge.com | 860.458.5414

Starting a new job is an opportunity to grow professionally — and your retirement funds should grow with you! The experts at Grey Ledge Advisors are dedicated to providing clear, constructive guidance to meet your financial goals. We’ll work with you to prepare for the future by rolling over a 401(k) from a previous employer to an IRA.

What is a rollover?
A rollover is the transfer of funds from a previous retirement plan into another eligible retirement account. Rollovers keep the funds in a tax-deferred status, and are not subject to an early withdrawal fee. The easiest way to accomplish this transfer is a direct rollover, where funds are moved from your previous account to the new trustee.

Why turn to Grey Ledge?
A rollover is the transfer of funds from a previous retirement plan into another eligible retirement account. Rollovers keep the funds in a tax-deferred status, and are not subject to an early withdrawal fee. The easiest way to accomplish this transfer is a direct rollover, where funds are moved from your previous account to the new trustee.

IRA Options
When you set up an IRA with Grey Ledge Advisors, you can choose an option that best fits you, including Traditional, Roth, and SIMPLE IRAs. Grey Ledge Advisors offers five key investment strategies based on risk tolerance and commits to using the lowest cost and most appropriate investment options to build your portfolio.

How Rollovers Benefit You
Rolling over to an IRA keeps your retirement funds organized and provides a clear and simplified look at how you’re progressing toward your retirement goals. IRAs are flexible, allowing you to easily manage your funds and investment choices. Since IRAs aren’t employer-sponsored, you can continue to manage them even if you switch jobs again.

Roll Over with Grey Ledge
Contact us today to set up your IRA and begin the rollover process. Our advisors will work with you to create a customized, comprehensive investment plan that can help you achieve your retirement goals.