The Grey Ledge Team
Colleen Venter
Chief Compliance Officer
203.204.6629 office
203.494.0896 cell
Chief Compliance Officer Colleen Venter has been integral to the Grey Ledge Advisors team since joining the firm in 2005, providing the assurance that all areas of the company are compliant with regulations and guidelines — ensuring clients and the firm are well-poised for success.
An Investment Adviser Certified Compliance Professional (IACCP) and Series 65 qualified investment advisory representative, Colleen diligently and meticulously reviews all records and materials to ensure compliance with SEC regulations as well as alignment with industry best practices. She also conducts periodic mock audits, placing Grey Ledge Advisors under the same scrutiny it would face in an SEC audit. These efforts provide peace of mind to the firm’s clients and position Grey Ledge Advisors for stability and continuous improvement.
Colleen and her family enjoy skiing, as well as camping and boating with their two grown children. She and her husband also spend many of their nights and weekends renovating old homes.
Colleen attended the State University of New York at Delhi. Prior to joining Grey Ledge Advisors, she had experience working at major companies including Bayer and PepsiCo.
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” — Maya Angelou